Free Bet Blackjack Review

Free Bet Blackjack is Evolution's popular blackjack game with free splits and double downs. Read WhichCasino's full thoughts in the Free Bet Blackjack review.

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Free Bet Blackjack is one of Evolution's Infinite blackjack tables. It features not one - but two free bets. First, hands with the value of 9 , 10 or 11 can all double down for free. Splits also come with zero extra charges. As with all Evolution's Infinite blackjack tables - the 21+3, Perfect Pairs, Hot 3 and BustIt side bets are also available. For more information, read our Free Bet Blackjack review.

Game Facts

  • Free Bet Blackjack offers players two free bets
  • Free double down on hard 9, 10 or 11
  • Free split on pairs, including Aces
  • No free splits on 10, Jacks, Queen and King
  • Dealer pushes on 22 - even if you hit a blackjack win

How to play Free Bet Blackjack

As with all blackjack games, the aim of Free Bet Blackjack is to have a better hand than the dealer - or as close to 21 as possible.

To start a game, choose your chip value and then place your wagers. You can also select a side bet to increase your payout chances.

Once bets have closed, the presenter will deal two cards to the player position - and two cards to their position. One card will be face down - and the dealer will peek for blackjack if an Ace shows. You can take Insurance once the dealer checks.

The dealer will now ask if you wish to "Hit" (receive another card) or "Stand" (receive no more cards). 

If you have a pair, you can split them into two hands. You can also double down, doubling your bet and only receiving one additional card.

Once you have decided, the dealer will draw cards for their own until they win or bust. 

Free Bet Blackjack Rules

There are free special rules that only apply to this game:

Double Down Free Bets: You can receive a free double down on hard 9, 10 or 11. Hands with an Ace - or soft hands, do not have the option to receive the free double down.

Free Splits: Almost all pairs can be split for free, including Aces. 10, Jack, Queen or Kings do not qualify for the free bet.

Dealer Pushes on 22: If the dealer ends up with a hand value of 22, all money is returned to the player. Even if you win your bet, you will still receive only your wager back.

Side Bets

There are four side bets available in Free Bet Blackjack: 

21+3: Your two cards and the dealers up card are paid on poker hands - 100 to 1 max payout.

Any Pair: Pays out if your two starting cards form a pair - pays out up to 20 to 1 for suited pair.

Hot 3: If your two cards and the dealer upcard make 19, 20 or 21 - you win. Pays out 100 to 1. 

BustIt: Bet on how many cards it takes for the dealer to bust - pays 250 to 1.

Free Bet Blackjack Verdict

The option of free bets are certainly tempting - especially when it comes to free splits. But the dealer pushing on 22 - which pays for these generous bets - is more common than it first seems. Still - this is another brilliant addition from Evolution that will satisfy any would be bargain hunters.

Free Bet Blackjack

More Information

  • Game Type:
  • Software:
    Evolution Gaming
  • Bonus Features:
    Fast Game Rounds
  • Platform:
    Android, iOS, PC, PC